Pre-K Blog

About Me

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Little Wonders is a wonderful learning center located right here in Missouri City. This is where talent, imagination and professional skills are being dedicated to the teaching of our young children. We understand that children learn differently. Through observation and listening, we encourage each individual's unique learning styles; while focusing on their physical, educational and emotional needs. All of our teachers are professionally qualified with combined expertise in education, speech & hearing therapy, bilingual education and English as a Second Language. With a low student-teacher ratio, we provide your child with the attention they need. Little Wonders Learning Center is located at the corner of Lexington Blvd. and Dulles Ave. In this center, you will find a number of warm, loving teachers committed to putting children first. This isn't your ordinary day care facility.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Henry the Pteranodon

Look closely, and you will see the eyes and details we are making for "Henry" the pteranodon! He is bigger than we are and he is slowly coming to life! He should be done soon and you will probably see him flying around our school! He is going to be our "school pet" ;0)

Fall Festival Costumes

It's that time of year again! We are so excited for the fall festival, that we are already getting our Fall Festival Costumes ready! Yes....our class is making our own costumes for the Fall Festival. We will have a "fashion show" at the festival and show off our masterpieces! Here is a sneak peak of us at our hard work! The costumes are already looking fabulous!

There is a list of the costumes posted on the classroom door. The children can bring in any materials that might help in making the costumes!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Follow the tracks to the Dinosaur Bones!

Not too long ago we were studying the difference between dinosaur feet and human feet. In this project we started learning about foot prints and the tracks they make. We used a toy dinosaur to make tracks in the sand, and then made a "fossil" of the foot prints using plaster of paris. We observed the tracks and talked about how
  • foot prints can show in what direction the dinosaur went.
  • foot prints can show the size of the foot of the animal.
  • foot prints can help you tell what the dinosaur was doing.

After that, we made tracks of our own! This was so much fun, because we got to put our feet in paint and it felt so slimy!!!!

Some of us walked, some of us ran, some of us jumped, and some of us tip-toed! We looked at the tracks after we made the foot prints. We noticed that the foot prints were different for what each person did!
  • If the person jumped the foot prints were together
  • If the person walked one foot print went before the other.
  • If the person tip-toed, only half of the foot showed.
  • We could follow the foot prints to walk, jump, tip-toe, or just run.
  • We could look at the tracks and tell where the person started walking, and where they went.
  • We could follow the tracks by looking at "which way the foot was facing!"

We drew arrows to show which way the person went..................

Now for the fun part!!

We cut up the tracks and put them all around the play ground. We followed the tracks and found a dinosaur eggs! How exciting! We took the eggs and used our tools to break away the dirt. Guess what we found inside the eggs........dinosaur bones!!!!!

Mini archaeologists in the making!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Flowers by Lily

Lily's favorite thing to paint was flowers. She made paintings of flowers in so many different colors. They all looked similar to the one below...........until, one day one of the children said, "Lily what about the leaves?"
Now look at her flower paintings! These flowers have so many leaves!
Aren't they beautiful???

Math, Measuring, and Mobiles!

One day in class the children found the box of paint samples, and began to cut and glue them on paper. We started to do math problems. We added up the amount of squares they put on the paper, or the sum of the different colors.

The next day the children wanted to continue this project, but this time instead of gluing the paint samples on paper, they glued them on tiles. The outcome was so beautiful, that the teachers sat down with the children to decide how we could hang the tiles so that everyone could see both sides of them.

The children drew different plans for how we should hang the tiles.............

We decided to go with one of the plans, and the children worked together to create what turned out to be a beautiful mobile!

When it was done they told us exactly where to hang it!

Soooo pretty, isn't it???

Of course we didn't stop there! So, next we each drew our own plan for a mobile and started working!
This time, we had a better understanding of planning and measuring. Notice how our new plans have numbers to represent how many inches we wanted our string and wire to be. We also used different colors to show if the line represented wire or string. Doing this plan for our mobiles helped us practice....
  • measuring inches on a ruler
  • reading words like "string", "wire", "hot", "glue"
  • writing our numbers 1 - 15
  • understanding the importance of planning before executing ;0)

Once we cut our string and wire, we put our mobiles together!

Look at our mobiles!

They are now hanging in our room!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Taking Play Dough to the Next Level!

Look at how creative we are becoming with our play dough! Natalie made a house! It looked so good we saved it on a piece of cardboard, and she added to it by drawing!

When she was done with it, she drew a picture of it and used water color to paint it!
One of the many amazing artists at our school!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tree House - Ladder

Okay, well we are moving right along with the construction of our tree house, but, we have come across a big problem!

Our ladder does not reach all the way to the tree house! How are people gonna climb our ladder and get to the top of the tree house????
Tayden said, "We need to make a bigger ladder". So we asked him, "How do you want to do that?" Tayden said, "with paper!"

We gave Tayden and Carter some paper, and they worked for about 30 minutes trying to get the ladder to be longer.

When they realized that the paper didn't work, Tayden asked, "can we use more sticks?" OF COURSE!! ;0)

So they got to work gluing more sticks onto the ladder and at the end of the day, our ladder was long enough to reach the tree house! Yea!

Now, the ladder goes all the way to the tree house!

So Many Teachers In Our Room!

Aside from our projects, we work hard to make sure our friends are learning how to write their names, numbers, and understand the stories in the books! Look at us working so well together ;0)