The children have been talking about sending out letters to family and friends. This has opened up an opportunity for our children to explore this topic and learn about our mailing system!
The children did some homework and learned their addresses which they brought back with a stamp and envelope to mail out to their friends!
We worked on making letters and pictures in class to send to our friends.......
The next day we had a visit from the mail woman...... ;)
The mail woman showed us the mail box our letters would be sent out in...
She showed us all the important packages...
Kylie even got to test out the front seat and loved the big window!
Bishop wanted to know what was in the boxes ;-)
Joshua wanted to test out the front seat too before leaving the truck!
We all stood by the door and watched the mail truck drive off and waved goodbye to her!
The children did some homework and learned their addresses which they brought back with a stamp and envelope to mail out to their friends!
We worked on making letters and pictures in class to send to our friends.......
The next day we had a visit from the mail woman...... ;)
The mail woman showed us the mail box our letters would be sent out in...
We all took turns going inside the huge mail truck ...
She showed us all the important packages...
Kylie even got to test out the front seat and loved the big window!
Bishop wanted to know what was in the boxes ;-)
Joshua wanted to test out the front seat too before leaving the truck!
We all stood by the door and watched the mail truck drive off and waved goodbye to her!
Sam's letter to Kiersten...
After the visit from the mail woman we looked at the letter Will sent us and began learning how to write our letters real small on the envelope. The children have now started learning geography and understanding we live in a country (America), and the state we live in is Texas. Kiersten and Ashley were so excited to learn they both live in Missouri City with the same zip code! Sam and Kylie learned they both live in Sugar Land instead of Powder Sugar! This has led us to look at maps and see all the States we have in our country. We hope to send more letters to our friends throughout the year!