Pre-K Blog

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Little Wonders is a wonderful learning center located right here in Missouri City. This is where talent, imagination and professional skills are being dedicated to the teaching of our young children. We understand that children learn differently. Through observation and listening, we encourage each individual's unique learning styles; while focusing on their physical, educational and emotional needs. All of our teachers are professionally qualified with combined expertise in education, speech & hearing therapy, bilingual education and English as a Second Language. With a low student-teacher ratio, we provide your child with the attention they need. Little Wonders Learning Center is located at the corner of Lexington Blvd. and Dulles Ave. In this center, you will find a number of warm, loving teachers committed to putting children first. This isn't your ordinary day care facility.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All About Cooking!

The children were very happy to come back to school from the weekend and see lots of new cooking equipment and a "stocked" pantry in the dress up area!  All of the new materials have encouraged the children to play in a whole new way!
"Look at all the cool things!"

As the children experimented a little bit,we talked about what they were doing and making. They were "making hot tea" and "pouring hot sauce out".
They loved to play tea house and pour tea out for one another. ;)
This student wanted to pour some black beans out to cook a bean dish. So before she poured it out, we talked about how much she would like to use. She decided on 1/4 cup!
1/4 cup of Beans 
She wrote down the measurement and drew a picture of it. After she was done she was ready to measure it out and use it!!
This has been a great way for the children to practice measuring and to better understand fractions.
After using beans, she wanted to cook with some pasta. She poured some pasta in the pot and began stirring! I asked her what she was cooking, "Macaroni and Cheese!" So she drew a picture of it and wrote the word out.

By: Luke Rodgers
"I am pouring  chocolate milk in our tea cups for us to drink!"-Luke.
After Luke poured his pretend chocolate milk into the tea cups out of the teapot, he drew a detailed picture of it and wrote the word, MILK.
"Macaroni and Cheese" By: Kylie

This child was washing and cleaning the dishes, while the other was measuring more pasta out in the measuring cup....
The children are doing an awesome job sharing and working together as they use their imagination doing so many different things with each material in this area...

The boys got to work writing out the measurement of how much pasta they needed to make their meal, so they could use it!

Stirring away!

This area is enhancing the children's mind in so many different ways. They are measuring out 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 1 cup,etc. They are doing so much math, counting out how many beans they would like to use and adding it with pasta. They are also recording all their details,creating pictures of the things they cooked and made, and they are going to create a cook book like last years class! This area has inspired us to bake something every Friday. We hope to start this Friday after we decide on what we would like to make! :-)

Please start saving any containers, egg cartons, milk cartons, etc. Anything food related the children can use in their dress up area and bring it into school! We LOVE for our parents to be involved in what the children are doing in the classroom. Please feel free to check out some of the work the children have began on! 

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